Thursday, September 30, 2010

Button Gloves

I actually made these gloves years ago for my 4 year old class who had not yet mastered the snapping fingers skill.  They would put them on and then click, click their way through songs. 

My daughter stumbled upon them in my music box and they were an instant favorite.  She not only clicked them together, but clicked them on the tile, table tops, oven....anything!  So much fun to make new sounds.

 I bought little kids gardening gloves and then just hot glued random buttons to the fingertips.  Easy as that!  Now teaching them to get each finger in the separate holes....not so easy, but a great skill to learn!


  1. What a great idea! Easy, musical fun!

  2. What a great idea! Not seen anything like this before. Thanks so much for sharing with us at the Play Academy.

  3. thanks for the comments....we love them. Plan on making some more, this time with some snugger fitting winter gloves. These take away the "I can't snap my fingers" frustration. We love them.
