Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sticky Feet

We were doing a project with contact paper the other day and I noticed that my kids only wanted to stick and un-stick their little hands to the paper.  My son was very impressed with this one sided sticky paper and kept asking me "what is this called".  So I figured I should go with their flow and cut a big piece.  Then, we taped it to the kitchen floor with some packing tape all the way around it.  Then I let them have at it. They really loved stepping and jumping on it with their bare feet and listening to the "squish, squish" sound.  It really is a different type of activity for kids.  It encourages large motor skill development as well and sensory and tactile exploration.  The next time we do this, I will cover a much larger space with the contact paper so they can really run across it!


  1. What a great idea. I have some contact paper in my closet and every time I get it out, my boys do the same thing-- wanting to stick their hands on it. I would have never thought to make a game out of it. We'll be trying this one for sure. Thanks for the idea!

  2. Lol, what a great idea! Did they spend ages playing with it too? Usually it's the simple activities that kids just love and spend ages doing!

  3. This is super awesome! I love it!!!!

  4. We haven't had any contact in the house as yet, but we did try some bubble wrap dancing the other week :) Sometimes you just have t ogo with, only to find something that really works :D

  5. What fun! My 4 year old has a passion for dancing on bubble wrap - I think she'd love this too. I wondered if you'd come and join our Play Academy on Fridays - I think you'd like the play ideas in our link-up and it would be great to swap inspiration with you. Cathy :)

  6. Awesome idea! We are learning about the five senses and will have to try this, as my sons would just love this!

  7. Heh another clever and very simple idea that my girls will love.

    I do so love We Play for inspiring play ideas.

  8. What a great idea. I have some contact paper here so I may have to give it a go tomorrow.

    Thanks for linking up to We Play this week :)

  9. LOL we did this a few weeks ago, and the kids were taking off their shirts and rolling on the contact paper! It's definitely going to be in a future post! This was one of my favorite activities.
