Monday, October 4, 2010

Meet "Leaf"

I really wish I would have taken pictures of T creating this little guy.  We were having so much fun.  We went to the park and were noticing all the leaves changing colors.  Well, my little collector had to gather up some of those colorful leaves.  I did not want to vacuum up crumbled leaves all afternoon so I got out the contact paper and asked him if he could make a friend.  We discussed what his "friend" would need....a head, feet, arms, etc.  I kid you not, I did not help him make this leaf man.  It is purely his design.  When T was finished, I covered the leaf man with another sheet of contact paper and cut him out.  Then T glued on eyes and a mouth.  I just love the way it came out.  He named him "Leaf" and put him on the refrigerator.


  1. Wonderful, so lovely and what a great idea! Thanks!

  2. this is so adorable. We plan to do this when we read leaf man one of my favorite fall books of all time!

    Would love to have you link up to the Sunday Showcase (open thru Thurs.) -


  3. I love him! What a great idea!!
