Friday, March 25, 2011

Stamping Mania

I saw this idea at A Little Learning for Two and was inspired to make some ourselves.  If you haven't seen her blog you should go over and visit.  She has some fabulous ideas.
 The kids picked what they wanted to have on their stamps.  T wanted the letters of his name and R, a heart, flowers and a turtle.  We used the foam letters and numbers and some foam stickers that we had laying around.  I glued them to the lids and got out the stamp pad.  I taped a big piece of packing paper to their table and let them go to town.  Most of the stamping was done on themselves, but a few made it on the paper. Thank you Caz, for the wonderful inspiration.  My kids had a blast!
p.s. if you are doing letters or numbers...glue them on the lid backwards so when the kids stamp, the print is correct. 


  1. Such a great idea - and so simple! definitely going to try this.

  2. They look awesome! Thanks for the link love, your stamps turned out fabulous - the turtle is so cute!

  3. There are a bunch of great ideas on your blog! I hope to see you link it up this week on Made by Little Hands Monday!
    Have a great day!
