Sunday, March 27, 2011

DIY Paint or Something

We have never made this type of paint but thought it looked interesting.  We mixed equal parts of flour and salt in a tray.  Then the kids picked which color of paint they wanted to make.  They put a few drops of food coloring in the bowls of water and then mixed everything together.  The result wasn't quite paint (or actually not paint at all) but was a fun, different sensory experience.  All we had was wheat flour so maybe that is why it had such a grainy texture.  Anyway, it was fun and the kids had a great time mixing and painting, not to mention getting a little messy!


  1. They look like they are having fun! That makes it more than just a painting project!

  2. great idea! we'll have fun replicating it.

  3. Better than homemade paint - its paint made by your kids! And such a fun texture too I bet! Looks great!

    Thanks for linking up to It's Playtime this week.

    Jamie @ hands on : as we grow
