Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What We Did With Plastic Eggs

This time of year you can find these eggs EVERYWHERE, and for really cheap.  So, we have an abundance of them and we found sooooo many things to do with them, besides fill them with candy and hide them!  I decided to just do one post dedicated to what we have done in the past few days with them.
 I hid little objects in the eggs, like a paper clip, button, piece of a straw, etc.  Then I lined up a matching object on the floor.  The kids shook the eggs and tried to guess what object was inside.  They set it next to what they thought was in the egg.  When all the eggs were shook and matched, we opened them up to see if our guesses were correct.

 We used rice, beans and pasta to fill up the eggs and make musical shakers.  I added a couple dots of hot glue before I closed them so they wouldn't open all over the floor.

                                                            We sorted them by color....
                                                             made patterns with them.....
                            we scattered them all over the floor and picked them up by color, T picked up the           green, R picked up the pink and purple (of course!)
    We had races with them, first pushing them with our noses, then blowing them to them to the finish line!
So much fun and great learning experiences too!


  1. I love the races with their noses! Brilliant. Thanks for linking up to It's Playtime! Some great ideas here :-)

  2. I, too, love the races with the noses and blowing them! And learning the colors -- fun! Thanks for stopping over and playing with us at It's Playtime last week!

    Jamie @ hands on : as we grow
