Saturday, March 19, 2011

Stuck on (rainbow) Glue!

This post is from awhile back.  We were doing this again today so I thought I would re-post it!  So much fun!

                      I took advantage of the back-to-school deals and bought gallons of white glue.

R loves to "puddle" it, so I thought why not make it a color-mixing, creative project. I put out the aluminum just to add a little variety from plain white paper.

I added a few drops of food coloring that "magically" turned the glue to rainbow colors....or the kids thought so anyway....squeezing the glue bottles is a great way to strengthen the hand muscles needed for writing. It is also a really good pre-writing activity.  Swirling, scribbling and of course, how can they resist getting their hands in it.  Creativity at it funnest!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reposting this! You never can go wrong with glue and kids!
    It look like this activity was a hit....I am going to plan it this week. Nothing like fun activities to keep kids spirits up when the weather won't allow them to play outside! Thanks!
