Monday, February 20, 2012

Fun With Kool Aid

I just love Kool-Aid.  It is so useful.  You can paint with it, color snow with it, put it in your play dough....oh, and drink.  So here is how we use the cool stuff!

Add a shake or two to some water to make water color-like paint

It snowed a few days ago, so we gathers some of that fluffy, white stuff up and brought it in. (You can also do this outside, using spray bottles). We added the Kool-Aid to water and this tiime we used pipettes (droppers). We squirted the colors onto the snow and at first it was quite pretty. Until it all turned brown from so much color. Not as pretty, but defiently fun! So if you happen to have snow where you live, give this a go. Kept us engaged for a long time!


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