Monday, January 30, 2012

Peeling Crayons (the easy way)

Wanna hear a secret??? 
Did you know that if you soaked crayons in water the wrappers peel right off?  Yep, it's true.  I tried it!  We were going through our crayons, separating all the broken ones out to do some recycling with.  I don't know about you, but I get real tired, real fast of peeling those wrappers off....crayon all stuck under your nails and all.  So, I thought, "okay, if paper gets wet, it gets soft".
 Not brain science but a most incredible moment for us!  OH YEAH! 
 Here is the proof.

Can you see the papers simply peeling right off??? 
p.s.  the Crayola brand peels the quickest.  These had only soaked for about 10 minutes before they began to peel off. 


  1. Thanks for this great tip - so much easier

  2. So simple, and so fantastic! Great thinking!!!!

  3. Great tip! It makes those crayon projects much more simple!

  4. Good thinking! I have used a penknife and sliced a box of 100 crayon wrappers in the past!

  5. Thanks! Great tip. Makes perfect sense!

  6. Do you know that I was just thinking I needed to google how to do this as I sit here and tear off paper from crayon after crayon!! Thanks for posting this. Newest follower. We are having our first ever link party.. Please stop by and link up!

  7. Thanks, I will stop by. Glad I could be of some assistance for your crayon peeling!

  8. You are my hero! At the end of every school year, I have a big bin full of broken crayons. Last year, I had a group of students who enjoyed peeling them (oddly enough!), but I don't think I'll be that lucky again. Plus, it took almost the whole school year to get them all peeled. I've found that if I recycle them into multi-colored crayons in fun shapes (black, white and grey skulls are a huge hit!), my students love them as prizes (and they didn't cost me anything extra). Thank you so much for sharing this simply brilliant idea!!

  9. I just hand them to my 4 year old... he's a master at pealing crayons - to a fault sometimes.

  10. Thanks SO much for posting this! I literally stopped doing projects with crayons for a little while because I was getting so sick of peeling the paper off :) I'm so excited not to have to worry about that anymore!

  11. Awesome tip. I have been soaking crayons for days and I have to admit this a lot easier on my nails =)

  12. Also, the hotter the water, the faster they come off!

  13. THANK YOU! This saved my life. I was trying to do a tutorial on melted mosaic crayons and had to unwrap 8 boxes. I was going insane because it was taking so long. Brilliant. I also linked back to your tip from my post!

  14. Crayola, the paper started floating in the sink within a minute in warm water! thanks so much.

  15. Just found this through a Google search - Thanks for posting!
