Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fizzing Paint

I found this super fun idea at Quirky Momma and knew my kids would really love it. 
We mixed up a container of baking soda with 1/2 cup of cornstarch.  Then we added about a cup of hot water.  I separated the mixture into two containers and had the kids add which color they wanted.  T wanted red and R wanted purple. We poured vinegar into their spray bottles and headed outside.  They got busy painting the cement which was fun all by itself.  When we began to spray the vinegar, it got really exciting!  By the end of our experiment, they were exploring it with their hands and feet.  I kept a tub of clean water nearby for washing hands since my son isn't big on getting messy.  We used the tub of water to clean up when we were done and it simply washed away.  Can't wait to do this again now that the weather is getting warmer.
Thanks Quirky Momma for the inspiration!


  1. Awesome! It's so simple, but looks like a lot of fun! I can't wait to give this one a try! Thanks for the idea. :)

  2. Found your blog through Design It Chic blog hop! I am your newest follower & would love it if you would follow my blog if you love it as well! :)

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    Also, enter in our giveaway to win 1 of 2 chances to win some flower hair bows!

    Alisa @ Sweet Peas and Bumblebees

  3. Great idea - I'll definately be using this at playgroup - Thanks
