Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ohhh, So Messy, Flour and Baby Oil

I got this idea from Lisa Murphy.  You should check her out at
 We combined a cup of baby oil and 2 cups of flour in a pan.  The kids stirred it up and then we added some color.  It looks a lot like cookie dough.  It has a super cool consistency and made our hands nice and soft.  When R began getting her hands into it, my son made himself scarce.  He isn't big on getting his hands dirty, so I put some in a Zip lock baggie so he could have a sensory experience too.  He was much happier with it this way and my daughter had so much fun mixing and slathering.  This is super messy.  We put a towel down and that didn't help much.  We will do this outside next time.  It does clean up really easy.


  1. Great activity, thankx. We will have to try this out.

    btw, following blog, but it says follow twitter with no link, is there one, or email subscribe i am missing? I wouldn't want to miss any more fun. Thankx

  2. Oh Mari....thanks for letting me know. I am trying to fix the link. Yes, I am on Twitter and Facebook too. Time for Play on both. Thanks for following!

  3. I haven't tried flour with baby oil. I am definitely adding it to my to do list! Thank you for linking to Every Day Sensory Play!

  4. I haven't tried flour with baby oil. I am definitely adding it to my to do list! Thank you for linking to Every Day Sensory Play!
