Sunday, October 10, 2010

Glue Ghosts

Okay, this is a super, simple project that kids do naturally with glue anyway.  Start with a bottle of glue and some wax paper.  We added google eyes, but those can always be drawn on too.  Just let the kids puddle a pile of glue onto the paper.  The only trick is that all spots have to be filled in with glue.  Otherwise, the ghost won't peel off properly.  Let dry overnight or longer.  Carefully peel it off the wax paper and let it finish drying on the other side.  I used a hole punch to put a hole through it so we could hand it.  Super easy and super fun.  You don't have to limit yourself to ghost.  You could color your glue and make all sorts of shapes.  The possibilities are endless!!  Good fine motor skill, creativity, cause and effect, observing glue go from a liquid to a solid and fun, fun, fun.


  1. So cool and great fun for this time of year! All I ever did with glue when I was a kid was put it on my hand and peel it off. Oh and eat it. Lol

  2. Awesome idea! Love the ghosts your children made, they look wonderful.

  3. That is something I have never seen or heard of before, an with Princess' obsession with glue I am sure she would love to do it :)

  4. Thanks for the comments...they really are about the easiest thing to make...ever. Hope you all have fun making them.

  5. Ooooh I forgot about making shapes with!

  6. What a fantastic idea, your ghosts are awesome :)
